Monday, April 18, 2011

FIFA Normalisation Committee recognizes Indonesian Premier League..

By Chris Paraskevas

Apr 12, 2011 5:47:00 AM

Liga Primer Indonesia (LPI)
Liga Primer Indonesia (LPI)

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The FIFA Normalisation Committee charged with running Indonesian football has officially recognized the Indonesian Premier League.

Earlier this month the Committee took over from the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) after a farcical March congress resulted in scenes of unrest and the refused entry of FIFA observer Frank Van Hattum.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

enough for football conflict..

Too much conflict have happened in our football. Nurdin Halid cs with his pro status quo side against the pro revolution. Nurdin Halid has dragged the PSSI conflict into the political issues. He brought the team went to the Golkar leader's house during the AFF Cup.And when the public disagree with the PSSI's decision to rise the ticket price, also during in the AFF Cup competition. Many people have disagree with that, PSSI even didnt notice what Presiden Yudhoyono's request not to rise the ticket . But it was change when the Golkar leader said not to rise the ticket. Since that the football politicization has happened in our country.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Normalisation Committee in Indonesia ..

( Monday 4 April 2011

Following the latest events linked to the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI), the FIFA Emergency Committee decided on 1 April 2011 that, in accordance with article 7 paragraph 2 of the FIFA Statutes, a Normalisation Committee will take over from the current PSSI executive committee.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Instilling an Australian touch on Indonesian football...

original from:

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Life in Indonesia as a footballer has been quite different in 2011. In this third part of football in Indonesia, The Football Sack chats to Professional Footballers Australia’s CEO Brendan Schwab about his, and FIFPro’s, involvement with the Indonesian Premier League (LPI).

FIFPro is the world players’ union and in 2005 Schwab was asked to be chair of the FIFPro Asia Committee which two years later became one of the four official Divisions of FIFPro. Through this Schwab was involved in the development of the Indonesian players’ association (APPI) under the leadership of Vennard Hutabarat and Arya Abhiseka.